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Holistic Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Rehabilitation

Board-Certified Psychiatrist

“Don't ever let time or age keep you from living your dreams.

Time will pass and you will age  

with or without any special accomplishments."

- Janice E. Cohen

As I close my practice, I want to express my deepest appreciation and affection to all of you whom I have had the privilege to serve. Watching you grow, heal and overcome such difficult challenges to achieve your life goals has been an inspiration. Your accomplishments have shown me that miracles are possible. I want to thank you for your trust and confidence in allowing me to guide you in a part of your life journey.



I am a board-certified holistic psychiatrist and psychotherapist in San Francisco, located near the UCSF Parnassus Campus.


My practice is unique in many ways. 
I don't treat or manage behaviors. I help people heal, evolve, achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
I am among perhaps 10% of U.S psychiatrists who provide truly integrated and individualized care, i.e., integrated psychotherapy and medications - plus much more.
In my practice, my patients guide their own path to recovery, selecting from a broad range of traditional and non-traditional options, designed to empower each individual. 
Together, we create a plan and set goals based on each individual's definition of success. Based on my experience with hundreds of patients, the successful accomplishment of patients' goals is achievable for almost everyone within six months.  



“We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to,

worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.


Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience

that reveals the human spirit.”


  ~E.E. Cummings

i provide

  • Brief, intensive and more long-term psychotherapy with and without medications

  • Insight-oriented Cognitive Behavioral Therapy©

  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations and Consultations

  • Planning/Consultation with individuals, families and agencies addressing complex cases, which may include severe mental illness




Diagnostic Evaluations

Pink Sea

Individual Psychotherapy

with & without Medications

The Sea Floor

Empowerment Workshops & Training for Consumers & Health Care Professionals


Fluffy White Clouds

Individualized Care Planning & Management

Sea Shore

Case Management, Monitoring & Clinical Supervision

Pebble Beach

Consultation to Programs and Agencies on Mental Health Services Design, Integration & Quality Management

Green Leaves

Consultative Evaluations


Family Caretaker Consultations



I look at each patient as a whole person and all aspects of their life. 

Integrated and comprehensive

All of the standard medical and pharmacological treatments with a broad range of lifestyle, nutritional, expressive, rehabilitative and complementary approaches to health and wellness.


Each client is responsible for guiding their own care as part of a collaborative process.  Each client defines their own goals for treatment based on their needs, strengths, and preferences -  in ways they determine most appropriate for them.


Striving to empower each patient with the skills and supports that they need to mobilize their own personal resources and achieve their life goals. 

approach to care



Taylor D.

Dr. Janice E. Cohen is the most professional, caring and committed physician I have had the great fortune to become acquainted with. For me Dr. Cohen has been a Godsend.  By working with her diligently and honestly, my life has improved immeasurably.


Pebble Beach

Nom D.

Dr. Cohen has been as much of a life coach, adviser, and mentor as she is a doctor, as we've navigated through my recovery from injury to move beyond the anger, anxiety, and depression and improve my relationships with my family and friends.  


David A.

I've been in and out of the therapy for well on 30 years  but I never found a Doctor who took the time and had the compassion to really get to the root of my issues like Dr. Cohen. Simply put she completely changed my life. She saved my life and my happiness and for that I am very very grateful


I cannot recommend Dr. Cohen enough. I literally owe her my life. She is an extremely smart, dedicated and passionate individual who not only cares for her patients, but will go as far as necessary to ensure their recovery. In conclusion,


Ashley K.


Reproduction of any part of this site, in part or in  whole, without express written permission is strictly forbidden. ©2010, 2011, 2018 Janice E. Cohen M.D. and All rights reserved.

Located near UCSF Parnassus campus

San Francisco, CA 


415. 566. 6683


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